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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

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Country Reg Name Sex Father Mother Born
S55953/89 Buåsens Devil M Gloi Icetops Corina 26.08.1989
S55955/89 Buåsens Darex M Gloi Icetops Corina 26.08.1989
S55956/89 Buåsens Diana F Gloi Icetops Corina 26.08.1989
S55957/89 Icetops Eldir M Gloi Repeta's Blue Star 22.08.1989
S55958/89 Icetops Eldur M Gloi Repeta's Blue Star 22.08.1989
S55959/89 Icetops Ekkia F Gloi Repeta's Blue Star 22.08.1989
S55960/89 Icetops Eistla F Gloi Repeta's Blue Star 22.08.1989
IS03110/94 Snerill M Bangsi Spóla 14.08.1989
IS03111/94 Píla F Bangsi Spóla 14.08.1989
DCNH IH R 163/89 X'ganti vom Schloß Neubronn M Snorri Bína frá Keldnakoti 11.08.1989
Page 2221 of 2401 Number of dogs = 24008