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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

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Country Reg Name Sex Father Mother Born
DK06230/2024 Marthedal Robbi Vaskursson M Lappbergets Vaskur Marthedal Jalda Kibba 14.04.2024
DK06231/2024 Marthedal Raggi Vaskursson M Lappbergets Vaskur Marthedal Jalda Kibba 14.04.2024
DK06232/2024 Marthedal Röskva Vaskursdóttir F Lappbergets Vaskur Marthedal Jalda Kibba 14.04.2024
DK06233/2024 Marthedal Rimma Vaskursdóttir F Lappbergets Vaskur Marthedal Jalda Kibba 14.04.2024
DK06234/2024 Marthedal Rakel Vaskursdóttir F Lappbergets Vaskur Marthedal Jalda Kibba 14.04.2024
SE32163/2024 Keilafells Igull Strengursson M Kolsholts Strengur Vinarson Keilafells Ida Arnsteinsdottir 10.04.2024
DK07483/2024 Fegurð Sunna Mánadís F Carlshundur's Sámur Fegurð Mýra Aska 08.04.2024
DK07484/2024 Fegurð Sóley Mánadís F Carlshundur's Sámur Fegurð Mýra Aska 08.04.2024
FI25521/24 Ginfaxi's Hrafnkatla F Eldhusets Skolli Garpurson Ginfaxi's Njála Perlumódir 05.04.2024
SE25477/2024 Gemrocks Luv U Hugin M Västergårdens Aldi Gemrocks Yssa 28.03.2024
Page 5 of 2401 Number of dogs = 24008